
Tuesday 21 September 2010

News: Book Cover - Changeling: Zombie Dawn by Steve Feasey

I am currently not far off finishing reading Changeling: Demon Games, the fourth book in Steve Feasey's fab werewolf series (known as the Wereling series in the USA). I hope to get my review online by the end of the week, but in the meantime I just HAD to share this little piece of news with you. Earlier today Steve Feasey posted an image of the cover for Zombie Dawn, the fifth and final book of the series, on his blog and it is such a great cover that I wanted to post the image here too. In my opinion it is the best of the Changeling covers so far.... what do you think?

This certainly gives Changeling fans something to look forward to. I'm not sure when the exact release date is yet - as soon as I know I will add it to this post.


  1. I love it. It's the best of the series. Now I just have to read the series! Haha. I'd be proud to have that baby on the front of one of my books! :D

  2. I love these storys and this is my fave cover so far as well. i love the zombie hands coming out of the ground and Trey looks great.

  3. Nice! I would start reading it next week (Wereling) and I'm a bit reluctant because there's no one I know in our country (Philippines) that have read it. I actually got even the book 2 (Changeling: Dark Moon).

  4. Wicked cover! Does anyone no when 'Zombie Dawn' coming out???

  5. Amazing cover! I'm starting reading it A.S.A.P!

  6. Such a piece of good news...

    Thanks for sharing this news keep motivating us like this everytime...

    It is Such a good article

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    Thanks for sharing this article

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