
Saturday, 3 March 2012

News: US Book Cover - Escape From Furnace: Execution by Alexander Gordon Smith

Many of you will already know that some of my favourite book covers of recent years have been those for the US editions of Alexander Gordon Smith's totally brilliant Escape From Furnace series. Over here in Britain we are fortunate to have had all five books in the series published, but across the Atlantic US fans of the series are still some way behind us. The fourth book, Fugitives, was published in the USA a few days ago, and I believe that Alexander has departed from the UK this very day to embark on a tour of the US (more details on his website here). 

Meanwhile, I have just finished reading his latest book, The Fury, due out in April, and it is fan-bloody-tastic! Possibly even better than Escape From Furnace. My review will follow soon, but this morning I discovered that there is already a cover image online for the US edition of the final Escape From Furnace book, Execution (see my review here). It is yet another awesome cover by Christian Fuenfhausen. Sadly for US fans (and I know there are a lot of you) the book isn't out over there until November, but believe me when I tell you that it is well worth the wait.


  1. these are 100% the best books ive ever read

  2. I believe that Alexander has departed from the UK this very day to embark on a tour of the US (more details on his website here). vision press

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have read your blog and you have posted such great info about book cover escape. Alexander is doing a great job for his US fans and he is doing a great job. And if you want to know more info then check here
