
Thursday 18 February 2010

*** TimeRiders Contest Results

The draw has just taken place and the lucky winners of the TimeRiders contest are:

1. FlossieT (signed copy of the book and the T-Shirt)
2. CazApr1 (signed copy of the book)
3. Max (signed copy of the book)

and because I am feeling extra generous and I have ended up with two copies of the book for myself:

4. Lovely Treez (unsigned copy of the book).

I will now endeavour to contact the winners through email and/or Twitter. Please reply with details of postal address within 48 hours or I will draw another name out of the hat. Many thanks to the kind people at Puffin Books for providing the prizes.

 (Note: all names were drawn randomly using a nifty little freeware programme called The Hat)


  1. Hi there, I can't DM you on twitter because you don't follow me! You can either do that, or e-mail me and I'll reply with my address -

  2. Congratulations to the winnners. I hope you enjoy reading the first in the series as much as I enjoyed writing it!

    Happy time travelling!

    all the best

    Alex Scarrow (author)
